Relaxation & Stress Therapy For Increased Health & Fertility What does Relaxation Entail? Stress is vital for survival but can easily become overwhelming at times, interrupting the healthy balance that is your nervous system. A response of relaxation helps to halt the frequent activation of the stress response, a sort of antidote for that “fight or flight” reaction. Labeled by Chinese medical classics as a primary necessity, relaxation goes beyond simply peace of mind, it is a process that decreases the effects of stress on your mind and body, allowing you to deal with everyday stresses and the issues that accompany them. The Benefits of Relaxation Relaxation has a significant effect on women who are pregnant or trying to be. Having an immensely positive impact on a woman’s emotional state, especially during a time of extreme emotions can be vital, often contributing to a smoother pregnancy with less complications. Stress can have a direct effect on fertility, usually disturbing a region of your brain called the hypothalamus which is in charge of hormone production. Changes to a pituitary gland’s response can have dramatic effects on processes such as ovulation and especially during critical times as embryo transfer or IVF treatment. For example, a study of 185 women found that 28% of the women who were hypnotized for the IVF treatment became pregnant versus the mere 14% who were successful without hypnosis. Since this study, hypnosis has become an even more commonly used practice. Scientific evidence exists, proving that the mind is directly correlated to the body, therefore when in control of the mind, you’re in control of the body. When practiced regularly relaxation has been shown to: Protect your heart against serious disorders Improve your immune system’s strength Increase your memory’s resilience Lower your risk of stroke Prevent depression and regulate emotions Enhance decision-making skills and concentration Help you retain a proper weight Reduce acne Maintain libido levels Delay breast cancer progression Acupuncture and Relaxation Acupuncture increases your blood flow, allowing your body to move and balance energy. During a session various changes may occur: lowering of body temperature, slowing of organs, heart beat and respiration, and depleted muscle tension, allowing the body to delve into a relaxed state. Research supports acupuncture’s release of endorphins, which are known to increase the patient’s relaxation response and are natural pain relievers. Patients often report feeling slight numbness, heaviness or tingling due to the body’s energy or Qi being activated. The release of Qi allows its’ movement throughout the body to often elicit a feeling of whole well-being and deep relaxation from individuals subsequent to sessions, which is a sure sign of support for the healing process. Relaxation Techniques As well as having an effect on anxiety, yoga increases flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina. Another method is Tai Chi which is a series of flowing body movements which accentuate concentration, relaxation, and the conscious circulation of vital energy throughout the body. Finally meditation is a practice of focusing attention, in turn it has displayed ability in aiding obtainment of an increased concentration, lowered anxiety and overall a happier individual. With a monophasic sleeping method, humans might be taking the wrong approach, countering 85% of mammalian species by taking their sleep in one full swoop. Despite their negative stigma, naps have actually shown to increase intelligence and productivity! Naps are one of the most effective methods for relaxation, giving the body time in the day you wouldn’t normally for the body to rebuild and experience valued rejuvenation. A directed nap of only 20-30 minutes can help to improve mood, alertness and performance. With regular practice, napping even has the potential to improve learning and working memory, prevent information overload, heighten creativity and senses as well as improving your overall health. There are also various quick and simple ways: Breathing slowly and deeply (7-11 method) Slowing heart rate Increase exercise Lowering blood pressure Reducing frustrations and improving confidence Get a massage Be aware of the details of your body and surroundings Self-hypnosis Relax your mind and muscles Body scan: deep abdominal breathing, focusing on bodily tension and releasing it while exhaling Think in the present tense or “moment-to-moment” Call Today For An Appointment: (561) 459-0528
Relaxation & Stress Therapy For Increased Health & Fertility
Relaxation & Stress Therapy For Increased Health & Fertility What does Relaxation Entail? Stress is vital for survival but can easily become overwhelming at times, interrupting the healthy balance that is your nervous system. A response of relaxation helps to halt the frequent activation of the stress response, a sort of antidote for that “fight or flight” reaction. Labeled by Chinese medical classics as a primary necessity, relaxation goes beyond simply peace of mind, it is a process that decreases the effects of stress on your mind and body, allowing you to deal with everyday stresses and the issues that accompany them. The Benefits of Relaxation Relaxation has a significant effect on women who are pregnant or trying to be. Having an immensely positive impact on a woman’s emotional state, especially during a time of extreme emotions can be vital, often contributing to a smoother pregnancy with less complications. Stress can have a direct effect on fertility, usually disturbing a region of your brain called the hypothalamus which is in charge of hormone production. Changes to a pituitary gland’s response can have dramatic effects on processes such as ovulation and especially during critical times as embryo transfer or IVF treatment. For example, a study of 185 women found that 28% of the women who were hypnotized for the IVF treatment became pregnant versus the mere 14% who were successful without hypnosis. Since this study, hypnosis has become an even more commonly used practice. Scientific evidence exists, proving that the mind is directly correlated to the body, therefore when in control of the mind, you’re in control of the body. When practiced regularly relaxation has been shown to: Protect your heart against serious disorders Improve your immune system’s strength Increase your memory’s resilience Lower your risk of stroke Prevent depression and regulate emotions Enhance decision-making skills and concentration Help you retain a proper weight Reduce acne Maintain libido levels Delay breast cancer progression Acupuncture and Relaxation Acupuncture increases your blood flow, allowing your body to move and balance energy. During a session various changes may occur: lowering of body temperature, slowing of organs, heart beat and respiration, and depleted muscle tension, allowing the body to delve into a relaxed state. Research supports acupuncture’s release of endorphins, which are known to increase the patient’s relaxation response and are natural pain relievers. Patients often report feeling slight numbness, heaviness or tingling due to the body’s energy or Qi being activated. The release of Qi allows its’ movement throughout the body to often elicit a feeling of whole well-being and deep relaxation from individuals subsequent to sessions, which is a sure sign of support for the healing process. Relaxation Techniques As well as having an effect on anxiety, yoga increases flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina. Another method is Tai Chi which is a series of flowing body movements which accentuate concentration, relaxation, and the conscious circulation of vital energy throughout the body. Finally meditation is a practice of focusing attention, in turn it has displayed ability in aiding obtainment of an increased concentration, lowered anxiety and overall a happier individual. With a monophasic sleeping method, humans might be taking the wrong approach, countering 85% of mammalian species by taking their sleep in one full swoop. Despite their negative stigma, naps have actually shown to increase intelligence and productivity! Naps are one of the most effective methods for relaxation, giving the body time in the day you wouldn’t normally for the body to rebuild and experience valued rejuvenation. A directed nap of only 20-30 minutes can help to improve mood, alertness and performance. With regular practice, napping even has the potential to improve learning and working memory, prevent information overload, heighten creativity and senses as well as improving your overall health. There are also various quick and simple ways: Breathing slowly and deeply (7-11 method) Slowing heart rate Increase exercise Lowering blood pressure Reducing frustrations and improving confidence Get a massage Be aware of the details of your body and surroundings Self-hypnosis Relax your mind and muscles Body scan: deep abdominal breathing, focusing on bodily tension and releasing it while exhaling Think in the present tense or “moment-to-moment” Call Today For An Appointment: (561) 459-0528