Red Light Therapy for Fertility

Did you know egg cells (oocytes), require huge amounts of energy compared to other cells because of their specific ability to divide and grow. This energy is provided by mitochondria, and declining mitochondrial function can be seen as a cellular cause of infertility. Today I’m going to explain how red light therapy boosts the energy of […] Read more…

IVF Treatment

Adding More Needles To IVF

Should I Add More Needles To The Process? A look at adding acupuncture to your IVF therapy by Jiji Cook, Acupuncture Physician, instagram: @family_acupuncture When jumping into a round of IVF, most women take to google and message boards to read about each other’s experiences. Should I take extra folate? What about meditation, pineapple and… […] Read more…

How Perfume Hinders Your Fertility

Perfume, a seemingly harmless substance used to make women smell fresh and pretty, has seriously negative effects on fertility. Studies have shown that perfumes can be linked to many cases of miscarriage, prenatal abnormalities, infertility (as its components damage the ovaries and other vital organs), cancer, and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). What causes […] Read more…

Relaxation & Stress Therapy For Increased Health & Fertility

Relaxation & Stress Therapy For Increased Health & Fertility What does Relaxation Entail? Stress is vital for survival but can easily become overwhelming at times, interrupting the healthy balance that is your nervous system. A response of relaxation helps to halt the frequent activation of the stress response, a sort of antidote for that “fight […] Read more…

10 Reasons to Send Your Hubby to Acupuncture

10 Reasons to Send Your Hubby to Acupuncture Fertility While we’ve made it clear that acupuncture has shown to improve fertility in females, acupuncture has equivalent benefits for males that often go ignored or underrated! In recent studies, application of acupuncture has resulted in increased sperm motility by mending structural abnormalities in the sperm in […] Read more…

Fertility & Vitamin D

Has anyone ever told you that vitamin D can help you conceive? They were right! In recent studies, Vitamin D has been found to boost fertility, in both men and women. As an acupuncture physician with a strong focus on fertility, I am constantly trying to find new information and ways to help you have […] Read more…

Chlorella – Superfood for Vibrant Health & Fertility

Chlorella – Superfood for Vibrant Health & Fertility What is Chlorella and What Does it Do? Chlorella is a type of fresh water, single-celled green algae which is spherical in shape and microscopic in size. It was initially discovered in the late 19th century and then investigated subsequent to World War II as a possible […] Read more…

Chia: Fertility Superfood

  What are Chia seeds? Chia seeds, a hidden superfood, are the tiny dried seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant. This exotic seed from the mint family originates in Central America, where the Aztecs consumed it whole, ground and tossed into flavorful dishes for an added protein boost. Why you should eat Chia: Chia seeds […] Read more…

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